Happy Family Reading Book Together

Accepting your child for who they are is easier said than done. Because, let's be real, you also want the best for them. With the immense scholastic pressure placed on kids these days, parents look to give their children a boost wherever they can. Besides, what you do during their formative years will remain with them for the rest of their lives, which means that you want to take the best action. Yet, what can you do to make your child smarter? A lot, really.

Let's first understand the basics of the brain. The brain needs around 20% of the body's total oxygen as well as blood-sugar resources to function optimally. Starving the brain will lead to under-performance. Therefore, the goal of brain enhancers is to support the blood vessel walls as well as the brain enzyme systems, neurotransmitter systems, and overall connectivity within the brain. All of these actions sharpen the brain so that children can think better on their feet. More so, these enhancers are all drug free.

True, many would suggest using medication such as ADHD medication to boost memory and attentiveness, however, there is also no evidence that these types of drug can actually assist with studying for exams. Instead, such drugs do not make a person smarter, they merely make them think that they are. More so, they are extremely hazardous for young brains. That said, there are some good nootropics you can use to naturally raise your child's game by boosting your child's brain.

1. Brain Foods And Supplements

Different Brain Rich Foods

Eating a diet packed with unhealthy foods such as sweets and processed foods is not going to boost your child's grey matter. It is important to select meals that ensure that the body is well nourished. Children will have more energy and will be able to focus better. Ideally, you want to provide your young ones with the right foods, so you do not need to supplement with dietary supplements. However, such supplements, in consultation with your doctor, could add valuable nutrients they might lack otherwise. Ensuring that the diet includes Omega-3 rich foods, such as oily fish, will enhance the levels of myelin within the brain. The hormone dopamine, for instance, promotes mood regulation may be supported by eating grains, meat, and eggs, known to enhance memory. Therefore, to ensure that your child is taking in what he or she needs, simply stick to the basics of veggies, fruit, proteins, and healthy grains.

Bottom Line:
Food isn't just there to make you feel full. It is the source of energy and nutrients your body needs to function and maintain health of your cells, including those of your brain. Ideally, you should obtain all your nutrients from wholesome foods, however, this is not always possible. Giving your child a dietary supplement based on the advice of your health-care professional such as a dietician or your pediatrician can help to ensure that your child is getting all the nutrients they need for their brains to grow, maintain their health.

2. Allowing Time For Exercise

You may think it best for your child to remain indoors surrounded by books; however, this is not a healthy pursuit if uninterrupted. Researchers have found that exercise can increase blood flow in the brain to areas that are focused on memory, therefore increasing learning by up to 30%. German researchers have discovered that children are able to add new words to their vocabulary 20% faster after exercise. This is because exercise enhances the intake of oxygen into the body, and to the brain. In boosting oxygen to the brain, you can also increase the ability to retain information and to focus.

Bottom Line:
Getting the balance right between spending time studying and playing is key. Exercise enhances the flow of oxygen to the brain which can help children to remember better and to stay focused.

3. Read With Your Children; Don't Read For Them

Researchers have found that reading with your children instead of reading to them can help boost their reading skills and strategies. This is especially important for those parents who wish to promote their children's early literacy ability. Therefore, point out the words, but let them read, instead of them only staring at the images in the book while you do all the reading.

Bottom Line:
To speed up a child's reading skills, they should be part of the reading process and should not just gaze at pictures. Therefore, start with easy books they can manage and slowly advance to more challenging books.

4. The Power Of Sleep

Photo of a Boy Sleeping

Just as with adults, children also need enough sleep. If a young child lacks an hour's sleep during the day, this could retard their cognitive maturation and brain development by two years.

Research has shown the huge benefits from starting school a bit later so that teenagers can get the sleep they need to function and learn properly.

Bottom Line:
Ensuring adequate rest can enhance brain development. Don't forget to include power naps.

5. Happy Children Are Successful Children

Irrespective what you do, if your children aren't happy their chance of success declines. Happier children have been found to develop into successful and accomplished adults in work as well as in romantic relationships. They are likely to gain better jobs, better performance reviews, and to earn higher salaries.

Bottom Line:
Happy children have a positive view on life, and are less prone to depression and ailments. More so, they also have a higher level of confidence. Happy young people will develop into successful adults.

Is Intelligence Everything?

In the words of PJ O'Rourke: "Smart people don't start many bar fights. But stupid people don't build many hydrogen bombs." Remember that, even though we would like our children to have the best, including the best chances for a successful career and life, the paradox is that intelligence is not everything. Ethics, empathy, and emotional intelligence, are equally important.

Our Ultimate Take Home Message

Brain development is particularly important during the child's formative years. However, during this time you could help the child's brain health by creating a nurturing environment. As part of this, using brain boosters can not only enhance the way children think, but could place them in a better position in their later years, as they have to compete with their peers in various areas of work. Boosters may play a part in developing well-rounded individuals.

Researched and written by experts, brought to you by our team at Mommy Authority.

Pamela studied nutrition and and sports medicine and has made a fantastic career out of it. She is a proud multi-tasking single mom that makes good food for her family and takes pride in what she does. She teaches TRX three times a week and loves weekends and strawberries.