
As the new year and holidays approach they call for a lot of rest and relaxation - if you live on your own or are traveling with friends. If you are a Mom though, the holidays call for a lot of strategic planning and organization so that everything runs smoothly with the kids and the hubby. When booking the ideal holiday spot you need to make sure that it is family friendly and can accommodate all your needs. A lot of this will fall all on your shoulders and this can cause a lot of stress. You can combat this stress with what most do - either comfort eat or lose your appetite. There are other methods, though, that can combat all this additional stress in very natural ways. Taking a supplement for anxiety is the answer to a natural remedy that will help you relax both day and night. Here are other steps that will make your life less stressful these holidays:

Plan, Structure & Organize


If you and the family are going away have an itinerary, if possible, of everything you and the family are up to. This way it is easy to know exactly what to pack for the family, reservations can be made for certain restaurants/adventure trips and things can run smoother because you will feel like you are in control of what’s going on. Of course, it’s more fun just to relax and not worry about what the next day will bring these holidays but when family is involved, it’s better to be organized as it will lead to much less stress.


It may be the holidays and the last thing you want to do is exercise! But think about this, if you exercise everyday you can balance out all the extra calories you will be piling on this holiday. The only way to actually to do this is to wake up 45 minutes early each day and just do a 30 minute workout. It doesn’t have to be a heavy workout. If you have a treadmill at home all you need to is walk on it while the birds are chirping their beautiful melodies outside. The early morning also brings a lot of peace as it is just you awake while the rest of the world - and your family, sleep. This exercise will increase the endorphins and serotonin in your body and will make you feel great for the whole day. Exercising each day also just naturally makes you feel more confident as you feel you have more control over your body.

Keep A Day For Yourself


Keep a day during the holidays especially for yourself. Ask your hubby to take care of the kids for just one day during the holidays while you take time off for yourself to recharge. Book into the spa for a day and get a massage, facial, manicure and pedicure. If the spa is not your thing go to the park with your favorite book. Just do something that really appeals to you that you enjoy doing on your own so that you can have very important “me” time.

Our Take Away On Reducing New Year's & Holiday Stress

Yes, the holidays are stressful for everyone, especially Moms but with the right attitude and the correct approach you can keep your anxiety and stress under control.

Researched and written by experts, brought to you by our team at Mommy Authority.

Shana Henson is a writer and blogger based in New York. She has contributed her work and research in many fields regarding general well being, fitness and nutrition. Shana studied Nutrition and Psychology and has a masters in writing. She now writes for MommyAuthority on all topics regarding motherhood.