
While no new mom would give up the great joy of holding a new baby in her arms, we all know that the effects of pregnancy and childbirth take a toll on our bodies. During pregnancy, the fetus is taking in nutrients from our bloodstream, and after childbirth, for nursing mothers, the baby continues to make its demands. Even for moms who don't opt to breastfeed their babies, they will find that their body is not what it used to be, both in terms of its need for added nutrients to heal the body, and in terms of the physical changes that the body has undergone -most typically a weight gain that may not go away quite so easily after the baby is born.


What sorts of supplements should new moms consider taking to help their body during this time? Is there any one supplement that might both help with weight loss as well as with overall nutrients and physical health? In addition, might there be one such supplement that can also help with such issues as increasing breastmilk supply for moms who want to nurse their babies? Incredibly, it seems that such a supplement does exist, pure extract taken from a tree called moringa oleifera. What are the benefits of this supplement and is it right for women before and after childbirth? This review will provide an in-depth look at this supplement and will then provide information about our top-pick supplement on the market today, 100% Pure Moringa Oleifera produced by a company called Research Verified. Research Verified reviews are a great way to find out if this manufacturer is for you or not.

What is Moringa Oleifera?

Moringa Oleifera is a tree that is native to North India and has been used by indigenous peoples in the area for centuries for its medicinal and nutritional properties. The leaves, flowers and green pods of the tree are all edible - in India, the natives use it as a substantial part of their cuisine as it is famed to be a food source as well as a medicinal supplement. The tree has also been called the drumstick tree or the Miracle Tree, due to its numerous health benefits as it has been reported to treat as many as 300 disorders or diseases of the body. The tree grows rapidly and thrives in the tropics, leading to its wide distribution today throughout Asia, Africa and parts of North America. (1)

Scientific research has verified many of the indigenous claims of Moringa Oleifera, and has tested its use as a treatment for a variety of disorders and to help with weight loss. The leaves have been found to be exceptionally high in protein, Vitamin A, calcium, iron, Vitamin C, and potassium.

Moringa Oleifera for Weight Loss


In the west, Moringa Oleifera has received a wide reputation for its ability to assist in one's weight loss efforts, and scientific research has supported its claims of being a natural appetite suppressant that boosts the body's energy. Studies have found that, because the plant is so rich in nutrients, it slows down the release rate for sugar being absorbed into the blood stream. With this depleting of sugar levels in the body, less sugar is turned into fat and energy levels are increased in their ability to burn existing fat. This is good news for new moms who are looking for a natural way to help lose extra fat that was gained during pregnancy.

Moringa Oleifera for Increased Breastmilk Supply

One very common use of Moringa Oleifera amongst indigenous people is as a galactagogue - a supplement that helps women increase their breastmilk supply. In the Philippines, this practice has been well-known for centuries. While there have been many medical studies that have verified that taking this supplement does greatly increase nursing mother's milk supply, there have not been a lot of studies carried out to test if there are any adverse side effects to either the mother or baby while taking the supplement. This is a shame, since this supplement has been taken for centuries by native peoples, and one study found it to be effective to increase milk by 180% on the group of women taking it compared to the control group. There has been one study carried out that found no adverse effects to mothers, but since no evidence exists beyond that, many supplements of Moringa Oleifera will typically caution that pregnant and nursing mothers should consult with a doctor before taking the supplement. (2)

Other Health Benefits of Moringa Oleifera


The list goes on and on to include the many diseases and disorders that Moringa Oleifera has been used to treat. It is used for nutritional support, treatment of diabetes, antibiotic activity, lowering of serum cholesterol for a healthy heart, anti-inflammatory action, increased energy due to its antioxidants and vitamins, treatment of gastrointestinal problems, treatment of kidney stones, thyroid regulation, relief from arthritis, relief from insomnia, and help for dandruff, hair loss, wrinkles, acne, eczema and psoriasis. (3)

Ways To Take Moringa Oleifera


Moringa Oleifera can be taken as a supplement, powder, tea or oil. It is most commonly available as a dietary supplement in capsule form, but there are things to look out for if choosing to take it this way. First of all, you will want to make sure it comes from the natural plant and that it is not produced synthetically in a lab. The product should not contain fillers or binders that dilute its quality or potency, and the optimal daily dosage should be approximately 1,200 mg, ideally taken twice per day. Finally, the company should be well-reputed and should adhere to top standards of safety and quality testing.

Which Supplement to Choose?

After examining the many products on the market, we found some that were just plain bad, others mediocre, while some that truly excelled at offering the most natural, potent form of the Moringa Oleifera extract at the proper dose and from a company that we could trust. Our top pick for this supplement is Research Verified Moringa Oleifera. There are several reasons why we chose this product:

  • Research Verified Moringa Oleifera contains the pure extract of the plant, with no added fillers, binders or artificial ingredients, and it is served in a vegetarian capsule.
  • The dosage is equivalent with that which was demonstrated safe results as per scientific studies: two tablets per day each containing 600 mg for a daily net total of 1,200 mg.
  • This product is third-party tested to ensure purity of ingredients. In addition, it meets all the top industry standards for safety and quality including FDA, cGMP, and US Pharmacopoeia standards.
  • The company provides an outstanding 365-day money back guarantee, which means that if you try it and do not like it, you can return it for up to an entire year for full money back.

Conclusion of Our Research Verified Moringa Oleifera Review

In conclusion, when considering whether to take Moringa Oleifera during or after pregnancy, women will find an enormous list of health benefits available to them, including pertinent assistance in weight loss, increased energy, and increased breastmilk supply. Of the many products on the market, Research Verified's Moringa Oleifera 100% Pure Extract seems to excel, and would be a good choice for a mom who is looking to use this supplement.

Researched and written by experts, brought to you by our team at Mommy Authority.

Kari is a main contributing writer for MommyAuthority and has written for many other outlets regarding diet, nutrition and psychology. After becoming a mom herself, her new found passion, relating to motherhood, is now incorporated in her research and writings.